Results for 'Rocío Aronés Cisneros'

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  1. Women in rural territorial planning in the Andes of Ayacucho (Perú).Ángel Aronés Cisneros, Chabeli Roxana Tapia Oré, Rocío Aronés Cisneros, Cynthya Alegre Palomino & Freddy León Nina - 2025 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 32.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a participação das mulheres no planejamento territorial rural nos Andes de Ayacucho (Peru). O estudo foi qualitativo e foram entrevistadas 11 mulheres (agricultoras) e 6 homens (com cargos administrativos). As mulheres desempenham um papel activo e significativo no planeamento territorial rural, superando desafios e promovendo a ajuda mútua através da organização comunitária. Existem barreiras ligadas aos papéis tradicionais de género que limitam a sua plena participação no planeamento territorial rural. No entanto, a presença de (...)
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    La tradición política en la obra de Hannah Arendt.Rocío Cisneros - 2014 - Bogotá D.C.: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
    Reivindicación de Maquiavelo en la obra de Hannah Arendt -- Acercamientos a Max Weber desde una crítica a la modernidad -- La violencia como disolución de lo político.
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    Consideraciones epistemológicas de la contabilidad ambiental.Ketty Marilú Moscoso Paucarchuco, Edgar Gutiérrez Gómez & Angel Alcides Arones Cisneros - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:56-70.
    La presente investigación, tiene por objeto delimitar las consideraciones epistemológicas de la contabilidad ambiental desde tres categorías: funcionalista, interpretativo y crítico, cada una de ellas con 16 subcategorías. La metodología utilizada es de carácter exploratoria, cualitativa, basada en un análisis documental de artículos científicos arbitrados en la más alta exigencia científica (SCOPUS), bajo filtros de búsqueda exacta, con procesamiento sistemático a través de ATLAS.ti9. Los resultados muestran un mayor enraizamiento en el enfoque crítico, destacando el impulso al cambio, los estudios (...)
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    Phenomenology of Perception.Aron Gurwitsch, M. Merleau-Ponty & Colin Smith - 1964 - Philosophical Review 73 (3):417.
  5. “Alien” Sexuality: Race, Maternity, and Citizenship.Natalie Cisneros - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (2):290-306.
    In this paper, I provide an analysis of the emergence of “problematic of alien sexuality.” I first locate discourses about “alien sexuality,” and the so-called anchor baby in particular, within other national discourses surrounding maternity, the fetus, and citizenship. I analyze the ways that national political discourses surrounding “anchor babies” and “alien maternity” construct the “problematic of alien sexuality,” thus constituting the “alien” subject as always-already perverse. I suggest that this production of a sexually deviant and threatening “alien” subject functions (...)
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    Filosofía e inscripción: vida y muerte en tiempos de excepción.Omar Espinosa Cisneros - 2020 - México, Ciudad de México: Ediciones Navarra.
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    Raymond Aron.Élisabeth Dutartre-Michaut & Raymond Aron (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Éditions de l'Herne.
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    Phenomenologie de la Perception.Aron Gurwitsch - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (3):442-445.
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  9. Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias : integridad y autenicidad.Carmen Pinilla Cisnero - 2018 - In Francisco Miró Quesada Rada, Los cien años de Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias: (homenaje). Lima, Perú: El Comercio.
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  10. Cornelius Castoriadis : la institución imaginaria de la democracia directa.María E. Cisneros - 2015 - In O. Astorga, La democracia radical. [Caracas]: La Hoja del Norte.
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    Modelo de modalidad mixta para la enseñanza en educación superior: Caso asignatura Derecho Mercantil II-sociedades mercantiles-(Mixed modality model for teaching in high education: Commercial Law II course case-trading societies).Cisneros González, Jesús Hilario & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (2):225-285.
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    Cardiac and Proprioceptive Accuracy Are Not Related to Body Awareness, Perceived Body Competence, and Affect.Áron Horváth, Luca Vig, Eszter Ferentzi & Ferenc Köteles - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Interoception in the broader sense refers to the perception of internal states, including the perception of the actual state of the internal organs and the motor system. Dimensions of interoception include interoceptive accuracy, i.e., the ability to sense internal changes assessed with behavioral tests, confidence rating with respect to perceived performance in an actual behavioral test, and interoceptive sensibility, i.e., the self-reported generalized ability to perceive body changes. The relationship between dimension of cardioceptive and proprioceptive modalities and their association with (...)
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    The Field of Consciousness.Aron Gurwitsch - 1964 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University Press.
  14. Inhibition and the right inferior frontal cortex.Adam R. Aron, Trevor W. Robbins & Russell A. Poldrack - 2004 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8 (4):170-177.
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    Human Encounters in the Social World.Aron Gurwitsch - 1979 - Duquesne University Press.
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    Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology.Aron Gurwitsch - 1966 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.
    l / Some Aspects and Developments of Gestalt Psychology1 [I] The Development and Status of the Problem At the basis of the constitution of the physical ...
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  17. María Liliana Lukac de Stier: El fundamento antropológico de la filosofía política y moral en Thomas Hobbes.María Eugenia Cisneros Araujo - 2000 - Apuntes Filosóficos 16.
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  18. Presentación.María Eugenia Cisneros Cisneros - 2010 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (36).
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  19. Psicosociología de la democracia y transición política.César A. Cisneros - 1990 - Polis 90.
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  20. Base-rate respect: From ecological rationality to dual processes.Aron K. Barbey & Steven A. Sloman - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):241-254.
    The phenomenon of base-rate neglect has elicited much debate. One arena of debate concerns how people make judgments under conditions of uncertainty. Another more controversial arena concerns human rationality. In this target article, we attempt to unpack the perspectives in the literature on both kinds of issues and evaluate their ability to explain existing data and their conceptual coherence. From this evaluation we conclude that the best account of the data should be framed in terms of a dual-process model of (...)
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    (1 other version)Phenomenology and the theory of science.Aron Gurwitsch - 1978 - [Ann Arbor, Mich.: Reprinted for Northwestern University Press by University Microfilms International. Edited by Lester Embree.
  22. Do computer simulations support the Argument from Disagreement?Aron Vallinder & Erik J. Olsson - 2013 - Synthese 190 (8):1437-1454.
    According to the Argument from Disagreement (AD) widespread and persistent disagreement on ethical issues indicates that our moral opinions are not influenced by moral facts, either because there are no such facts or because there are such facts but they fail to influence our moral opinions. In an innovative paper, Gustafsson and Peterson (Synthese, published online 16 October, 2010) study the argument by means of computer simulation of opinion dynamics, relying on the well-known model of Hegselmann and Krause (J Artif (...)
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    Robert E. Wood. “Five Bodies—and a Sixth: On the Place of Awareness in the Cosmos”.Ramón Cisneros-Ruelas - 2013 - Process Studies 42 (1):160-161.
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    Bradley Armour-Garb and Frederick Kroon, (Eds.), "Fictionalism in Philosophy.".Aron Dombrovszki - 2021 - Philosophy in Review 41 (4):267-269.
  25. Worldview: an untimely meditation.Aron Reppmann - 2009 - In J. Matthew Bonzo & Michael Roger Stevens, After worldview: Christian higher education in postmodern worlds. Sioux Center, Iowa: Dordt College Press.
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    History, truth, liberty: selected writings of Raymond Aron.Raymond Aron - 1985 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Franciszek Draus & Edward Shils.
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    L'abécédaire de Raymond Aron.Raymond Aron - 2019 - Paris: Éditions de l'Observatoire. Edited by Dominique Schnapper & Fabrice Gardel.
  28. L'histoire Et Ses Interprétations Entretiens Autour de Arnold Toynbee, Sous la Direction de Raymond Aron, Avec la Participation de Othmar Anderle [Et Al.].Raymond Aron - 1961 - Mouton.
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  29. Progresso tecnico, progresso economico, progresso sociale [Technical progress, economic progress, social progress].Raymond Aron - 2008 - la Società Degli Individui 31:100-113.
    Aron sviluppa in questo testo alcune riflessioni sullo sviluppo tecnologico e sul rapporto tra la conoscenza scientifica e le sue applicazioni pratiche. Da una preliminare distinzione tra quattro forme di tecnica, egli analizza gli spe­cifici sviluppi di queste tecniche e i loro differenti rapporti per giungere a ripensare, alla luce delle recenti innovazioni, il problema dei paesi sot­tosviluppati, la tematica della guerra e le possibili derive dei regimi politici. L’incerta traduzione pratica delle innovazioni tecnologiche nella con­tem­po­raneità che emerge induce Aron (...)
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  30. Comments on own paper.Aron Gurwitsch - 1946 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 7:355.
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    Two Unrecognized Karrāmī TextsTwo Unrecognized Karrami Texts.Aron Zysow - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):577.
  32. Trust and the value of overconfidence: a Bayesian perspective on social network communication.Aron Vallinder & Erik J. Olsson - 2014 - Synthese 191 (9):1991-2007.
    The paper presents and defends a Bayesian theory of trust in social networks. In the first part of the paper, we provide justifications for the basic assumptions behind the model, and we give reasons for thinking that the model has plausible consequences for certain kinds of communication. In the second part of the paper we investigate the phenomenon of overconfidence. Many psychological studies have found that people think they are more reliable than they actually are. Using a simulation environment that (...)
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    The dawn of universal history.Raymond Aron - 1961 - New York,: Praeger.
    This comprehensive anthology of newly translated writings presents some of Aron's most important essays in 20th-century intellectual history and political commentary.
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    Καὶ τὰς οὐσίας δὲ κοινὰς ποιησάμενοι.Aron Teuscher & Aaron Gebler - 2025 - Hermes 153 (1):13-27.
    The paper examines a widely discussed passage in Diodorus’ Historical Library that describes the development of the social structure of the Lipari Islands. By reconstructing the history of research, terminological ambiguities are identified, forming the basis for a reinterpretation of the passage. It is demonstrated that the Liparensians implemented specific institutional orders, continually adapting to the demands of their surroundings, yet always aware of the impact and consequences of their actions.
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    Die mitmenschlichen Begegnungen in der Milieuwelt.Aron Gurwitsch - 1976 - New York: de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Die mitmenschlichen Begegnungen in der Milieuwelt" verfügbar.
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  36. A non-egological conception of consciousness.Aron Gurwitsch - 1940 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 1 (3):325-338.
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    Marxism and the existentialists.Raymond Aron - 1969 - New York,: Harper & Row.
  38. De Los Reyes, David. "Dios, Estado y Religión". Una Aproximación Filosofica de Tomas Hobbes.María Eugenia Cisneros - 2007 - Apuntes Filosóficos 30.
  39. La pornografía al rescate de lo humano.María Eugenia Cisneros - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (39):151-177.
    El presente ensayo tiene como finalidad mostrar que la pornografía es una significación imaginaria social cuyo sentido consiste en producir en el individuo una inquietud que lo lleva a una confrontación consigo mismo. Para lograr este objetivo, en primer lugar se explicará qué es una significación imaginaria a partir de la tesis que propone Cornelius Castoriadis. En segundo lugar, se analizará a la pornografía como un aspecto de la sexualidad; y en tercer lugar, se estudiará la noción de pornografía a (...)
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  40. Imprecise Bayesianism and Global Belief Inertia.Aron Vallinder - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (4):1205-1230.
    Traditional Bayesianism requires that an agent’s degrees of belief be represented by a real-valued, probabilistic credence function. However, in many cases it seems that our evidence is not rich enough to warrant such precision. In light of this, some have proposed that we instead represent an agent’s degrees of belief as a set of credence functions. This way, we can respect the evidence by requiring that the set, often called the agent’s credal state, includes all credence functions that are in (...)
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  41. Bayesian Variations: Essays on the Structure, Object, and Dynamics of Credence.Aron Vallinder - 2018 - Dissertation, London School of Economics
    According to the traditional Bayesian view of credence, its structure is that of precise probability, its objects are descriptive propositions about the empirical world, and its dynamics are given by conditionalization. Each of the three essays that make up this thesis deals with a different variation on this traditional picture. The first variation replaces precise probability with sets of probabilities. The resulting imprecise Bayesianism is sometimes motivated on the grounds that our beliefs should not be more precise than the evidence (...)
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  42. Semantika i sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ psikhologii︠a︡.Aron Abramovich Brudnyĭ & Ė. D. Shukurov (eds.) - 1976
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    La philosophie de léon brunschvicg.Raymond Aron - 1945 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 50 (1/2):127 - 140.
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    Look What They've Done to My Song: "Historical Authenticity" and the Aesthetics of Musical Performance.Aron Edidin - 1991 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 16 (1):394-420.
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    Discours contre la méthode.Robert Aron - 1974 - [Paris]: Plon.
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    Theodor Lessing, le philosophe assassiné: avec une anthologie de textes traduits de l'allemand par l'auteur.Jacques Aron - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Theodor Lessing.
    Devenu une figure emblématique de l'opposition à l'ascension du nazisme, Theodor Lessing (1872-1933) - philosophe allemand d'origine juive - fut l'objet à partir de 1925 d'une virulente campagne de diffamation qui aboutit à son assassinat le 31 août 1933. Cet essai se propose non seulement d'éclairer les circonstances de sa vie et de sa mort, mais surtout de mieux faire connaître l'évolution de sa pensée et de son action à travers un choix de textes rédigés entre 1906 et 1933, et (...)
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    The Foundation of Phenomenology: Edmund Husserl and The Quest for a Rigorous Science of Philosophy.Aron Gurwitsch - 1946 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 6 (3):439-445.
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    A unified epistemological theory of information processing.Áron Tóbiás - 2020 - Theory and Decision 90 (1):63-83.
    What does it mean for an agent faced with choice under uncertainty to “know” something? While a variety of mathematical methods are available to construct formal models to answer this question, the combination of different approaches may lead to unsettling paradoxes. I propose a unified theory that eliminates such inconsistencies by relying on a sharp conceptual distinction between information the decision-maker observes and how much of that information she can cognitively process. The resulting model allows for natural decision-theoretic characterizations of (...)
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    A priori knowledge for fallibilists.Aron Edidin - 1984 - Philosophical Studies 46 (2):189 - 197.
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    Art History and Visual Culture without World.Aron Vinegar - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 60 (1):123-134.
    Aron Vinegar’s essay explores art history and visual culture’s dependence on a phenomenological conception of world, which is based on a hermeneutics of facticity, intentionality, and ontological difference. He argues that the ‘basic concept’ of world has structured the field of art history and visual culture in implicit and explicit ways, thus dictating many of its commitments and concerns. One of the primary limitations of this commitment to world, is that it has resulted in art history and visual culture’s tendency (...)
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